Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The non-baker cooks

Since they were having a feast, the Baker and the non-baker decided that they should each contribute something to the meal. Since the non-baker is often an unambitious cook, she decided to cook her go-to meal, reduced vinegar mushrooms.

She bought some button mushrooms at the Finnish supermarket. They were huge, especially in comparison to American button mushrooms, which are much smaller.
She cut them up, poured some olive oil in a pan, warmed up the pan and took all of the mushrooms and placed them in the pan. After they had warmed for a bit, she began pouring in the vinegar.
Then she let the mushrooms cook, occasionally, and as need be, adding more vinegar to the pan and letting it reduce - coloring and flavoring the mushrooms.
After cooking them with more and more vinegar for 40 minutes or so, they had turned a beautifully dark color and were quite delicious. And, at this point, they were ready to be eaten.
The perfect side-dish for a Finnish-American-Greek feast.

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