Friday, August 27, 2010

Eating Abroad

So when the Baker and the non-baker were little, their parents wanted them to see the world. As a result, their parents decided that the best way to do this was to switch homes with other families with somewhat similarly aged children- usually, for around three weeks at a time. So the Baker and the non-baker have wonderful memories of living in other people's homes over the summers. And, this summer, when they decided to take a vacation together, the Baker and the non-Baker decided to re-visit some of those families- specifically the ones in Finland and the Netherlands. Once they arrived they ended up doing a bunch of what they consider to be traditional Finnish activities- going in a sauna, walking around Helsinki, and enjoying the company of the two Finnish sisters whose home they had lived in so many years before.

And this morning, the elder Finnish sister treated them to some fun traditional Finnish breakfast foods (though they ate them after they woke up at 1pm or 13 hours.) They had toasted dark rye bread, with margarine, cheese, turkey and tomato.
They also ate some Karelian pies (a traditional Finnish treat that is made with rolled out rye dough, rice porridge, and a little bit of beaten egg on the top to make it brown nicely in the oven, though theirs were store-bought and warmed at home.)
However, they didn't have them plain. Instead, they went all-out Finnish and had them with chopped up hard boiled egg and lox on top. They also tried some Finnish sweet egg bread (which to the Baker and non-baker tasted like a Rosh Hashanah challah.) Yum. Along with breakfast the Baker had coffee and the non-baker tea, both of which were served in Moomin troll cups.

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