Friday, August 27, 2010

Baking without recipes (like she does anything else)

So, at the non-baker's suggestion, the Baker decided to make gluten-free cookies, but as usual she didn't use much of a recipe, nor did she write down what little of the recipe that she could remember. After the non-baker asked for the recipe but to no avail, the Baker finally gave her a list of the ingredients that she had used to make the cookies (without amounts of course.) Although she was willing to tell me that she had put strussel on top of them.

an egg white
Flour: rye or rice (one in each of the types of cookies)
white sugar
baking soda

Strussel: what she normally puts in her cinneminies and coconut

The Baker thought that the gluten free cookies were ok, though not great, as she was not as fond of the flavor. The rice ones, when she was mixing them was sticker, and post-baking was a little bit sweeter. The rye ones, on the other hand were more crumbly and tasted, surprisingly, like rye.

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