Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the Baker and non-baker eat out with their parents

So a bit ago, the Baker and non-baker's parents were in town and they decided to go out to eat. They decided to go to a new vegan restaurant that they had heard about, called Karyn's on Green. The food was fantastic.
They started off with a cold broccoli soup that was almost like the Baker and non-baker's mother's gazpacho in texture. This was closely followed by first an arugula salad
And then second, a kale salad (or slaw).
Then were the vegan sliders (which were surprisingly delicious.)
After this came the main courses. (They had, in true Baker/non-baker family tradition decided to order a number of dishes and all take bites of everything in order to ensure that no one would feel as though he or she had missed out.) The first main dish was roasted raddichio.
The second was a tofu gumbo (which the entire family enjoyed so thoroughly that the non-baker forgot to take a picture of it.) And, the third was a delicious soy cheese pizza.
All in all a fantastic meal and a wonderful restaurant- both based on the food and on the atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. this meal is fantastic. If only I could go there with you every month! But I might have preferred the venue of our latest family restaurant excursion, though both were fabulous of course. However, I still remember the great texture of that soy cheese on the pizza in the picture above....mmmm now I'm making myself hungry! Better go bake!
