Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Back to the Future Dinner

So the Baker and the non-baker are both major BTTF fans, though they tend to disagree about which of the three is best. As a result, when the non-baker found out that it was playing at her school's movie theater, she invited the Baker down to have dinner, see the movie and sleep over. So, first they needed to get dinner, and so they sauteed some veggies (starting with some mushrooms and zucchini)
And then adding chunks of red onion and summer squash to the mix
Then, they added some tomato sauce to the mix.
cooked up some couscous (for a quick grain)
And tossed some brussels sprouts with balsamic vinegar and tossed them in the oven at 350 or so for 45-ish minutes ( a recipe idea that the non-baker got from a friend of hers.)
Then they put a bit of each into bowls and sat down to eat dinner.
But of course, this was only the beginning of the evening. They still had a movie to look forward to. And of course, they decided that they wanted snacks to bring with them to the movie. But, buying snacks? How passé. Instead, the Baker (of course) suggested that they bake. And, since they both felt relatively lazy, they pulled out a bag of scone mix that the non-baker had sitting around, poured it into a bowl
Added the requisite amount of water, shaped and cut the scones into wedges and plopped them into the oven for 15 min or so.
Quick and easy scones? Accomplished. They packed up the scones and walked over to the theater (which they had decided to get to early, since they were concerned that the rest of the school would be just as excited about getting to see BTTF on the big screen as they were. ) Luckily, almost no one else was, and they ended up with some of the best seats in the house.

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