Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hanging out in Haarlem

The next day, the Baker and the non-baker went shopping in Haarlem with their Dutch Host Mother. Then went into an Albert Hein and several dozen clothing stores. After shopping for a while though, it was time to eat and the Dutch Host Mother took them to a nice little cafe. The non-baker started off by having some mint tea.
The Baker got olive soup with seed bread.
The non-baker got an open-faced seed bread sandwich with a lentil curry on top.
And the Dutch Host Mom got a huge salad, which also came with seed bread on the side.
The cafe was housed in a little shop that was adorable. Not only did it sell food, it also sold furniture and notebooks and jewelry.

And after their lunch they kept walking around Haarlem. They went to a church and then to a museum where they where they stopped in the museum coffee shop for a snack. They got tea and apple tart/pie.
And, as per usual, the bill came with chocolates. Those chocolates were filled with hazelnuts and hazelnut cream. The Baker and the non-baker very much approve of chocolates that come with the end of a meal.

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