Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Beach Shack Restaurant Dinner

The next day the Dutch family took the Baker and the non-baker to a local restaurant that one of the hosts' sons had recommended. The restaurant was especially fun in that the whole thing was set up to look like a beach shack. It was by a canal and they brought in sand and beach chairs and the atmosphere was a lot of fun. So, they all decided to have drinks outside so as to enjoy the open air. The non-baker got a pear nectar and ended up having to water it down.
Unfortunately it got colder and so they moved inside for dinner. The non-baker and the two Dutch parents decided to get the seafood pasta with toasts with anchovy butter.
The Baker and the Dutch son who had recommended the place both got the vegetarian pasta instead.
And the Dutch daughter who was with them got an enormous burger.
Because the Dutch son was friends with the chef he also gave them some other side dishes for free. Bags of tortilla chips and plates of fries accompanied the meal, which landed them with a ton of food.
It was a wonderful dinner, even if they didn't manage to eat even half of it.

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