Saturday, March 26, 2011

And the cupcake craze continues

Of course the Baker is not yet done with her cupcake craze. This time she decided to create a sour chocolate walnut cupcake where the sour flavor was meant to mimic this nonalcoholic wine that she's fond of (odd, why yes, a little bit, but that's the Baker for you- creativity and odd taste profiles all at once.)

And, I'm surprised to admit that she shared a relatively straightforward recipe with me:

For the batter:
two egg whites 1/3 cup oil 1/3 cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup buttermilk a little white sugar white flour baking soda baking powder salt walnuts

Instructions: (as she says) Please mix the wet ingredients together and then add the dry ones.

For the frosting:
cream cheese (1/3 of a package) (probably around 0.5 cups)
around a full cup of powered sugar, added a little at a time
some Chardonny Verjus wine (it's nonalcoholic)

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