Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baker, non-baker and birthday girl go out for birthday girl's birthday dinner

So recently the Baker and non-baker's parents decided to visit them again. And, they realized that, though they usually took birthday girl, one of the non-baker's roommates, out for her birthday, that they had not done so this year. And with that the Baker and non-baker's parents had the perfect excuse to try out a new restaurant, Girl and the Goat.

Once at the restaurant, the non-baker and birthday girl decided to order drinks. They ordered a dark and stormy and a some other gin and lime based cocktail.
And, once the Baker arrived, the party began to order food (despite the fact that the restaurant was incredibly full and they ended up eating in the lounge section.) First came the rye bread. It was accompanied by house thousand island and a cheese-mustard spread. The thousand island was good, but the cheese-mustard spread was amazing. Since they were all hungry they began eating immediately, and, once they started it was hard to stop since the bread was so tasty.
Next came a complimentary dish, the hiramasa crudo with crispy pieces of pork belly, aji aioli and caperberries. While it was difficult to get all of the components of the dish together, the taste was worth the trouble of doing so.
Next came a shaved kohlrabi salad with fennel, evalon, toasted slices of almond and ginger dressing. (Yum!)
And then roasted cauliflower with pickled peppers, pine nuts and mint. It was delicious, though to be fair, the Baker and non-baker had mainly ordered it because the people sitting next to them, the Sandwich Couple, had gushed about this particular item moments before insisting that the Baker, non-baker and birthday girl try the squash ravioli that the Sandwich Couple had ordered. And boy, were the Sandwich couple right. The roasted cauliflower was fantastic.
And then, though the Sandwich Couple had not particularly recommended it, came the goat pizza. Not goat cheese pizza. Goat pizza. Specifically, a smoked goat pizza with apple soffritto, black kale, ricotta and cipollini.
They also ordered seared scallops with pumpkin brandade, pecans, fried brussels sprouts (which were surprising and astoundingly delicious), tarragon and pomegranate.
And then they ordered more bread, stocca this time, and it was just as good as the first. It came with roasted garlic and white anchovy butter to spread on it, though the Baker, non-baker and Birthday girl continued to use the condiments from the first bread.
But then, of course, it was time for the cheese course. Birthday girl picked out the cheese. She chose one cheddar, one goat cheese. They were served with flatbread, crackers, beets, and onions with mustard (a combination that the non-baker is itching to try her hands at.)
And, of course, since it was Birthday Girl's birthday, they got dessert. The dessert, delivered with a candle, was a dark chocolate salt brownie, served on a toffee crème fraiche with a shitake gelato (which, though it sounded odd, was possibly the high point of the meal.) The flavors were fantastic and crisp and the use of salt made the Baker, in particular, exceedingly happy.
Overall, the restaurant was a fantastic choice for Birthday Girl's birthday dinner. While busy, the restaurant was nice and the Baker, non-baker and Birthday Girl also enjoyed meeting and talking with the Sandwich Couple. The flavors were incredible, if unconventional.

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