Saturday, July 24, 2010

The bleeding banana cake

Yes, the title above is how this cake was initially described to me. A bleeding banana cake. It was baked because the baker, despite her talent for creating exactly whatever cookies she's in the mood for, did not feel like eating her creation. And she loathes bananas. She tends not to want to get within a smelling distance of them since they make her sick. So I'm almost surprised that she was able to bake the cake at all.

And here's the recipe:
2 egg whites
whip this all together until it's super whipped and has bubbles
add a pinch of salt
a pinch of baking soda
a pinch of baking powder
a bit under 2 cups of whole wheat flour
about 3/4 cups of white sugar

bake this in a circular ceramic bowl for about 20-40 minutes at 340F
take this out, add the slices of banana and the warm up frozen berries and put them on top

She also notes that it's better to serve the next day.

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